My Personal Statement

My personal statement is to tell my story as a witness to life, using raw elements of clay or pigment pushed by simple wooden tools. I find it my obligation to remove myself from personal interpretation and attempt to truthfully replicate forms of nature.
I began sculpting professionally at the age of 18 and was immediately thrown into the mix of professional self-taught ar tists all scrambling to capitalize on “art”. Having produced a large successful body of work at a young age, I decided to look for more technical help in creating representational work. Following a traditional approach to realism, I studied in Italy at the Florence Academy of art as well as The Atelier in Minnesota in an attempt to pursue the spirit of tradition within realistic work in a structured academic environment. I believe that the 20th century has rejected and lost most of the traditional approach to art and realism; forgetting the language of art which has been used for centuries. Fortunately, it was resurrected and held loosely together in small tight knit groups and now it is slowly gaining popularity again. In my opinion it is naive to not absorb the knowledge of the past in order to better one’s self in any subject; especially in regards to technical training of visual competence. Life for me is a continual journey of study and learning new and old ways in pursuit of my personal goals. I find myself very content living close to nature, studying life from high tundra peaks to my own personal backyard buffet of waterfow l and upland game birds. I feel fortunate to be free in life and have the opportunity brought about by sacrifice to follow my dreams.
To my patrons I will add thanks for your continued support but it is important for you to remember that I do not create work for you only. I also create for your grand children's children, so they can know what true nature provides for us. Together we see and hear the whistling wings of green wing teal on a fogy morning, the rush of a covey of quail exploding under foot, and the bugle of a bull elk amidst a changing aspen forest. All to be shared with family and friends, passed down through generations with respect and amazement.